What Kind of Romantic Are You?

Recently I’ve been listening to a lot of friends’ stories…relationship stories, travel stories, love stories, and on and on. In listening to these sometimes ridiculous stories, commonly about spouses, I have started to think about how, and to what level, people romanticize their stories. So I’ve broken them down into three varieties:

Planned Romantics
People who will meticulously plan a date or a trip with their spouse. They’ll make sure that they sit in business class, make sure there is a car waiting at the airport for them, make the special request to have a rose placed on the bed, and on and on and on… they are more of a planner than they are a romantic, but they deserve credit for thoughtfulness

True Romantics
People who are romantically minded at their core. They post on the fridge every morning that they love you, you get a Friday gift every week, they take you to your favorite performance once a month… not because you want them to, because they are perceptive enough to see it, remember it, and just simply want to do it. It comes so naturally to them, it’s effortless. They are the true romantics… rare and often sought after

Look Back Romantics
People who glorify their stories to assure they have the best “how we fell in love” story. They use lots of adjectives, they remember the perfect versions of the perfect lines, and they look back and fill in the holes with glorified descriptions that are too perfect to remember 3 years later. (This also happens to be one of the fastest ways to lose my interest.)



One response

  1. In some regard … I guess you would callme a look back romantic because some of my “love tales” seem too perfect … but I have journaled most all of my life – since I could write practically. I have also told my stories over and over and so the words have become more descriptive but the story is the same – just better told.

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